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Benefits to Tech Scouting

ASC is the intersection of supply (innovative emerging technology companies), and demand (the eventual customer/user) with support from the enablers who provide value to the emerging companies (service providers, investors, advisors, channel partners, etc).

Tech Seller (Innovator)


Collect market feedback
Determine actual interest with market feedback


Qualified opportunities
Customers have current need with approved budget and contract vehicle


Increase revenue
Expand sales pipeline and participate in sales opportunities with new prospects


Investor exposure
Qualified investors are seeking companies with customer traction. Pilots generate revenue as well as increase investor interest


Increase network
The ASC community is thought leaders in the security market including serial entrepreneurs, early stage investors, technical experts, sales channels, distribution partners, licensing candidates and merger or acquisition options

Tech Buyer (Customer)


Solve problems faster
ASC can broadcast requirements to a large community quickly


Extend reach
Requirements gain exposure in technology communities not previously reached


Choices screened
ASC screens through and provides feedback and short list of most viable qualified options


More confident decisions
Comfort in knowledge that extensive scouting produced broad base of alternatives which were screened against requirements


Broader alternatives
Buyers enjoy a greater number of choices as well as alternatives from different sectors (ie a gaming tech applied to simulations/training or a social networking algorithm applied to intelligent pattern recognition, etc)

The innovative companies (supply) represent not just startups, but growing and mature companies that benefit from increased exposure to new prospective customers.


CEO's of growing companies area always looking for qualified sales leads. Even innovators not selling to the "security or government" markets benefit from ASC's program. We allow them to more efficiently and effectively test these new markets, which might be receptive to their technology even if it is currently used in non-security or non-government applications.


ASC increases the innovative companies' exposure and resulting sales/relationship opportunities for:

-sales contracts



-joint ventures

-sales channels


-mergers or acquisition


We match innovators with our customers and enablers (advisors, directorships, investors, legal or accounting assistance, staffing support, etc) in the ASC community.


The customer/users (demand) represent federal defense and intelligence community, private sector critical infrastructure owners, and Fortune 500 companies.


These organizations are constantly upgrading and modifying their enterprise to prevent or respond to a litany of evolving threats. Some bolster their technological arsenal with the support of large systems integrators and/or others have their own network of technology sources. In either case, ASC extends their reach into pockets of technology they would not otherwise access.


Of course, ASC's program reaffirms technology/vendor choices the client already knew about, but ASC also generates choices they did not know about. This comprehensive coverage provides the peace of mind when clients consider a new technology that it has made its decision from a pool of the most viable solution providers.


Innovative technologies that pass through the ASC screening process are frequently piloted (stress-tested) by the customers/end users to determine if a technology can address priority security challenges faced online, on the battlefield, or at the shopping mall.


A few examples of technical/application challenges might be:

-network security

-IED detection/mitigation

-reduced vehicle fuel consumption

-identity theft

-asset tracking

-perimeter surveillance

-data analysis

-portable/renewable power

-information assurance

-passenger/cargo screening

-data fusion

-email/wireless communications


By pooling the purchasing power of a number of client customers, ASC can scout the market to effectively identify, screen, and manage the process for a fraction of the cost and time of one full time employee.

© 2019 by the American Security Challenge

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